Mini Art Portfolio

Before I switched mediums to novels, I used to be a comic book artist. I haven’t drawn an actual comic in a while, but I still love to draw. I have yet to go through all of my old art on my HD and curate it, but I wanted to at least put up a few pieces that stood out to me for some reason.

Aeka Sketch

I just wanted to do a quick sketch to play with my new colored pencils, and this came out. I think she looks pretty cool:)

Comic Page

One day I will upload the original graphic novel in its entirety; today is not that day. However, here’s a page that will give you an idea what it looked like….


Character design for a comic project that never got off the ground. Maybe someday!

The Kiss

Also from the comic. I actually thought I had lost this whole sequence and just rediscovered it on my HD accidentally. Thank goodness.

Old drawing of a cyborg. Yes it is meant to be Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell, Motoko is awesome, that whole movie with Scarlett Johannson never happened– NEVER HAPPENED, OK?

Top: A color sketch on an index card that I really liked. I gave it to my husband (before we were married) and he kept it in his wallet for years. Maybe his real wife is the mermaid. Left: Character from an old comic project that never got off the ground. I don’t know why she needs the gun when she can shoot energy balls out of her hands or whatever.


Left: Whenever I draw Aeka and Sam together she looks like she’s in physical pain just having to be near him. Sorry? Above: my favorite Sam sketch, done in class. That was tuition well spent….

I did a sequence in the comic where my characters went inside the world of Final Fantasy VII. This is the only time (so far) that I’ve attempted full-color comics. The colors are really saturated– probably too much so– but I was trying to emulate the look of the game.

Anatomically there’s something weird going on here, but it still makes me happy.

And see the world fade back into black and white as we leave the game world.

I guess I’ll finish up this section with Chibi-Aeka. She wants you to have a very nice day.